Thursday, December 20, 2007
I expect to hear from a number of special people in the New Year. Most proudly, I can report that my Uncle Eddie (a Roman Catholic priest, age 94), the oldest living relative on my mom's side of the family has offered to contribute. I sent a copy of This I Believe to him and to his companion Jean, both of whom responded immediately. Their responses follow:December 15, 2007
Dear Christina:
I want to thank you for the book you sent me. It is a very interesting piece. Page by page, it brings back the fact that Our Lord is to be honored, loved and obeyed. It takes part by part where the faults are and gives us the answer to what is right. I thank you very kindly for your thoughtfulness and the reason you gave it to me.
With much love,
Uncle Eddie
December 15, 2007
Dear Christina:
I also want to thank you for sending me This I Believe book. Your uncle has been reading it little by little and enjoying it. For myself, right now with the holidays, it is making it a little difficult for me to sit down and read a few pages. Things will calm down after the holidays and I should be able to read and enjoy the book. I know your uncle will be writing an essay and I'll send it to you after he does it.
Thanks again.